Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1999

Volume 24 Issue 3

What is mental health consultation?

Jennifer J. Luntz

CITATION: Luntz J.J. (1999). What is mental health consultation? Children Australia, 24(3), 1236.

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This paper provides an overview of the state of the art in consultation at the close of the third decade of its existence as a major form of delivering mental health services in the United States of America, and its somewhat later introduction in Victoria, Australia. Gallessich’s framework for consultation (1983, 1985), amongst others, is compared with the Victorian model. Issues raised include the need for consultants to understand the boundaries of consultation, its limitations, the state of its knowledge base and the uniquely Victorian contribution of a framework of several levels which enables an integration of the knowledge borrowed from a range of sources to assist in the improvement of its practice. A later paper to be published in ‘Children Australia’ looks at the steps in the consultation process.

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