Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1999

Volume 24 Issue 1

On the subject of children: Children are the best people to tell us what is wrong with child welfare

Chris Goddard

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Chris Goddard

CITATION: Goddard C. (1999). On the subject of children: Children are the best people to tell us what is wrong with child welfare. Children Australia, 24(1), 1214.

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Family planning is still a problem for some countries and organizations. In other countries, where there is a general decline infertility and families become smaller, childhood is changing. Where families are wealthy enough, childhood and education lengthen. The WorldForum’98: Justice for Children, held in Manila in November, gave Filipino children the opportunity to say what needs to change. The agenda produced by them is a model that other agencies in other countries could usefully follow.

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