Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1998

Volume 23 Issue 4

Multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of child abuse and neglect

Fred Gravestock

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Fred Gravestock


1 Abused Child Trust PO Box 94, Albion, Qld 4010


Fred Gravestock -

CITATION: Gravestock F. (1998). Multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of child abuse and neglect. Children Australia, 23(4), 1196.

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Child abuse and neglect is a complex problem that requires a sophisticated treatment response. Utilising comprehensive research literature, the Abused Child Trust has developed a model for intervening with families in which maltreatment is a major concern. The intervention program operates on a multidisciplinary model, and incorporates counselling, specialised educational support, and health care. The service at Contact House is presented in detail, to serve as a stimulus for discussion as to the appropriate level of service required by at-risk families.

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