Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1998

Volume 23 Issue 2

The interplay between poverty, unemployment, family disruption and all types of child abuse

Mary Hood

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Mary Hood

CITATION: Hood M. (1998). The interplay between poverty, unemployment, family disruption and all types of child abuse. Children Australia, 23(2), 1172.

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Research findings from a study of 500 cases carried out as part of a doctoral thesis will be outline. They demonstrate the clear connection between those families whose children are notified in relation to all kinds of child abuse (including sexual abuse) and poverty, unemployment and family disruption. The multi-factorial nature of the influences which create this connection are examined. The long held belief that child sexual abuse is not related to class or poverty is challenged by these findings, pointing to the need to reconceptualise this, as well as all types of child abuse, if prevention is to be an achievable goal.

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