Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1998

Volume 23 Issue 1

Different youth, different voices: Perspectives from young lesbian wimmin*

Lynn Burnett

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Lynn Burnett

CITATION: Burnett L. (1998). Different youth, different voices: Perspectives from young lesbian wimmin* . Children Australia, 23(1), 1161.

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This paper presents and examines issues pertaining to young lesbian wimmin in an Australian setting, with particular emphasis on the ‘coming-out’ process. Stereotypes as presented by Western culture are examined. Society’s honouring of the masculine at the expense of the feminine and the effect this has on young lesbian wimmin, and the development of non-heterosexual adolescents in general, is also discussed. Specific examples of episodes from a research project using memory-work methodology are used to highlight the experience many young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people encounter as they come to terms with their sexuality in a heterosexual culture.

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