Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1998

Volume 23 Issue 1

Family support: A vital link in the chain

Louise Mulroney

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Louise Mulroney

CITATION: Mulroney L. (1998). Family support: A vital link in the chain. Children Australia, 23(1), 1159.

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This paper addresses the issue of cooperation and the building of effective partnerships within the network of agencies that aim to strengthen and support families. It argues that an important step in building such partnerships is an awareness of what each agency does. This paper therefore sets out the context in which family support services are currently operating in NSW, the particular strengths of family support services and the contribution of such services to families and to planners. Constraints on family support services are also explored, particularly those that relate to the lack of recognition of the role of family support services and lack of resources available in NSW. There is an analysis of options regarding changes to work practices by family support services to deal with the lack of resources.

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