Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1997

Volume 22 Issue 2

Child’s Play: Rebuilding attachment between mothers and children following domestic violence

Natalie Worth and Peter Mertin

CITATION: Worth N., & Mertin P. (1997). Child’s Play: Rebuilding attachment between mothers and children following domestic violence. Children Australia, 22(2), 1130.

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Domestic violence is a serious problem in our community. The effects on women victims can be severe, producing both physical and emotional health problems. Children too can be similarly affected, as witnesses to parental violence and as the focus of parental abuse. For both there can be the further difficulty of a breakdown in their interactions which can lead to damaged attachment. While recovery from violence depends ultimately upon guaranteed safety for the victims, the process can be enhanced by repairing the bonds of attachment between mother and child. A program has been developed to rebuild damaged attachment which addresses issues in a child-focussed manner using movement, games and play.

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