Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1997

Volume 22 Issue 2

Service to parents who abuse substances: Literature to inform a practice-research initiative

Lynda Campbell

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Lynda Campbell

CITATION: Campbell L. (1997). Service to parents who abuse substances: Literature to inform a practice-research initiative. Children Australia, 22(2), 1128.

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Children of parents who abuse substances have become a concern of child protection agencies, family support services, family preservation services and increasingly of drug and alcohol treatment agencies. In the context of a formative evaluation of a specialised intensive family support service designed to address the needs of families at this interface, a literature review has been undertaken. From that review, themes relating to women as substance abusers, the children of substance abusers, and services to enhance parenting in these situations are reported. Implications for intensive home-based practice are identified.

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