Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1996

Volume 21 Issue 2

Conservative criticism of child protection: the case of the Australian Family Association

Philip Mendes

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Philip Mendes
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CITATION: Mendes P. (1996). Conservative criticism of child protection: the case of the Australian Family Association. Children Australia, 21(2), 1083.

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Criticism of child protection practice in Victoria has emerged not only from the political Left, but also from conservative groups such as the Australian Family Association. The AFA does not deny the existence of child abuse, but argues that it can be primarily attributed to social changes such as the breakdown of the traditional nuclear family. The AFA believes that the strengthening and support of the traditional family is the best means of protecting children from harm. Critics of the AFA argue, however, that the implementation of the AFA's agenda would place the preservation of families ahead of the right of children to be protected from abuse or harm.

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