Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1996

Volume 21 Issue 1

Read all about it!: Read all about it!: Unless it's the trial of Rosemary West.…

Chris Goddard

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Chris Goddard

Part of Special Series: Brisbane Conference Editiongo to url

CITATION: Goddard C. (1996). Read all about it!: Read all about it!: Unless it's the trial of Rosemary West.…. Children Australia, 21(1), 1074.

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Self-censorship is not a quality usually associated with the British tabloid press. The trial of Rosemary West, it is reported, led to a change of perspective, with sanitisation of the court-reporting being decided upon for commercial reasons. A recent book, on another widely-reported British case of child abuse and domestic violence, is reviewed to suggest that an understanding of the effects of violence on victims will be achieved only if we allow the whole stories to be told.

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