Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 June 1977

Volume 2 Issue 2

Report of Child Maltreatment Workshop

Rae. N. Matthews

CITATION: Matthews R.N. (1977). Report of Child Maltreatment Workshop. Children Australia, 2(2), 107.

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This comprehensive and important document has now been released for general reading and debate.

Child maltreatment was first recognized as a health problem in Victoria in the early 1960's and several Committees of Investigation have met since that time to study the subject. This Report is the result of the latest of these, a Workshop, which commenced following a 2 day seminar in February 1975. At the Seminar there were more than 100 people who shared an interest in child maltreatment. They were drawn from many sections of the community — doctors, lawyers, social workers, teachers, sociologists, nurses, police welfare officers, psychiatrists, kindergarten teachers and voluntary groups.

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