Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1995

Volume 20 Issue 4

‘Bored witless’/Born to fail: Children at risk for severe learning difficulties

Roger Rees and Bill Young

name here
Roger Rees

name here
Bill Young


1 School of Special Education, Flinders University, Adelaide

2 Institute for Severe Learning Difficulties


Roger Rees -

Bill Young -

CITATION: Rees R., & Young B. (1995). ‘Bored witless’/Born to fail: Children at risk for severe learning difficulties. Children Australia, 20(4), 1056.

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The article is one of a number of articles stemming from a Ph.D research project researching learning and emotional difficulties amongst year eight students at a State High School in Adelaide. Twenty students identified as having learning and behaviour difficulties are participating in an alternative program for two days a week. The program involves camping, outdoor education and a good deal of intensive ‘direct instruction’ in basic literacy and numeracy. It is anticipated that this program will serve as a model for other state schools developing alternative programs for disaffected adolescent students.

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