Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1995

Volume 20 Issue 4

The need to strengthen the educative role of parents: Some implications drawn from educational productivity research

Jeff Dorman

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Jeff Dorman


1 School of Education, Australian Catholic University, McAuley Campus, Everton Park Queensland


Jeff Dorman -

CITATION: Dorman J. (1995). The need to strengthen the educative role of parents: Some implications drawn from educational productivity research. Children Australia, 20(4), 1053.

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This article considers the empirical results of educational productivity research conducted by a team of researchers from Australia and the United States in the mid 1980s. Based on nine factors identified by this research, three issues that highlight the important educative role of parents, namely, the quality of the home learning environment, homework support and monitoring television viewing are discussed.

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