Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1995

Volume 20 Issue 1

Help them make it through the night: The behavioural treatment of infant sleep disturbance

Carolyn Lawton, Neville M. Blampied and Karyn G. France

CITATION: Lawton C., Blampied N.M., & France K.G. (1995). Help them make it through the night: The behavioural treatment of infant sleep disturbance. Children Australia, 20(1), 1015.

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Sleep disturbances such as bed refusal and resistance, sleep-onset delay, night waking with crying, and unwanted co-sleeping with parents affect 15% to 25% of families during their infant's first two years. A program is described that involves structured pre-bedtime activities, putting the child into his or her own bed awake at a regular time, and responding to subsequent waking and crying with planned ignoring and minimally-arousing checks when necessary. This programme was demonstrated in four families and shown to resolve infant sleep disturbances to a clinically significant degree and to the satisfaction of the parents.

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