Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1995

Volume 20 Issue 1

Maintaining links: Resource demands and social work attitudes in respect to parent–child access in a statutory child welfare agency

Julie Drury-Hudson


1 Department for Family and Community Services, South Australia


Julie Drury-Hudson -

CITATION: Drury-Hudson J. (1995). Maintaining links: Resource demands and social work attitudes in respect to parent–child access in a statutory child welfare agency. Children Australia, 20(1), 1013.

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This paper investigates the demands on social work resources in the north east region of the Department For Family and Community Services in South Australia, and examines the attitudes of workers to the question of access. Twenty three social workers, working predominantly in Child and Family Teams, were interviewed. A two part questionnaire was devised. The initial data covered information relating to the frequency, duration and supervision of access visits. The second part of the questionnaire used a semi-structured, open-ended format in order to explore social workers' knowledge and values in respect to access. The results of these interviews are presented and the implications for policy and practice in relation to statutory social work are discussed.

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