Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 1995

Volume 20 Issue 1

Ermington Family Learning Centre: Breaking the cycle of disadvantage through parents and children learning together

Jean Hay, Maureen Puckeridge, Robyn McDonald and Margaret Kelly


1 Ermington Family Learning Centre


Jean Hay -

Maureen Puckeridge -

Robyn McDonald -

Margaret Kelly -

CITATION: Hay J., Puckeridge M., McDonald R., & Kelly M. (1995). Ermington Family Learning Centre: Breaking the cycle of disadvantage through parents and children learning together. Children Australia, 20(1), 1012.

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The Ermington Family Learning Centre provides educational opportunities for both children with learning difficulties from low income families, and their parents. The Centre specifically targets disadvantaged children and encourages the involvement of families, most of whom are vulnerable and isolated from traditional services. Because the focus is on children, many parents who would not normally use welfare agencies or seek professional support have accepted help from the Centre. The integrated but indirect approach has ensured not only sustained educational gains and improved self esteem in the children, but improvements in family functioning and the self esteem of parents.

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